Here are the equations
you can use to calculate
compression ratio,
compression distance,
and engine cubic inches:

Compression Distance

1. You will need these values to calculate compression distance: rod length (inches), stroke (inches), finished block height (inches), and deck size (inches), head gasket thickness (inches).
2. In the following equation, plug in rod length, stroke, finished block height, and deck:
Compression Distance = block - stroke/2 - rod - deck

Compression Ratio

1. You will need these values to calculate compression ration: bore (inches), stroke (inches), cylinder head (cc), deck size (inches), head gasket thickness (inches), and piston net volume (cc).
2. Calculate X as follows:
X = bore * bore * 0.7854
3. In the following equation, plug in X, stroke, head, deck, gasket thickness, and piston net volume:
Compression Ratio = 1 + stroke*X

head/16.39 + gasket*X - deck*X - piston/16.39

Engine Cubic Inches

1. You will need these values to calculate compression distance: bore (inches), stroke (inches), and the number of engine cylinders.
2. In the following equation, plug in bore, stroke, and the number of engine cylinders:
Engine Cubic Inches = 0.7854*cylinders*stroke*bore*bore

*NOTE: This site can calculate these values for you automatically if you use a Java- and JavaScript/JScript-capable browser with Java and JavaScript/JScript support turned on. The use of the latest released (non-beta) version of Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator is very strongly recommended due to ongoing security and technical improvements in the Java virtual machines and JavaScript/JScript interpreters in these browsers.